Obedience and Open Doors

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 at the
2011 Women’s Refresh Your Heart Conference
Colonial Baptist, Cary NC

in your spiritual growth/ in your family life/ in your daily life

Saturday, November 5
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Hope to see you there!
1 Samuel 15:22

“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord?  To obey is better than sacrifice…”

All God wants us to do, is obey His voice.   Even when it’s difficult.

In 2006, before God called me to publish a homemade-God-inspired prayer journal,  there was something that had to be moved out of the way.  It was an unconfessed sin that I had harbored for 11 years.

In 1995, I had gossiped and said not nice things about a former friend to a mutual accaintance.  This former friend found out and called me on it!  Talk about totally busted!!!

So when confronted, guess what I did?  I lied and denied…

And for 11 years, God never let me forget it. 
So in 2006 when I desperately needed Him to move in my personal circumstances (having nothing to do with ministry), God placed this incident on my heart yet again.  Without a doubt, I knew that I was to get in touch with this former friend and apologize.  (I felt like a total fool.  Yet I resolved that I’d rather look like a fool to this girl, than to God.)

Before I could procrastinate or rationalize it away, I called her – 2 times.  She never returned my call.  So God allowed me to write a note confessing the sin and offering a genuine apology.  (God is so merciful!)

OH, the bricks that came off when that letter was mailed!    Obedience brings such inner joy.  Within days of this act of obedience, God revealed what He wanted me to do with my life – publish a prayer journal.  (Talk about out of my comfort zone.  This story for another day.)  

With the publishing of the prayer journal, He opened the door for a speaking ministry.  Which opened the door for a Bible study.  Which opened the door for the existence of Knowing God Ministries.  Which has opened the door for this blog.  Which has opened the door for regular women’s luncheons where women are provided a place to go deeper in their love walk with Jesus.

All of this began with a single act of obedience – confession of a sin.   And with each step of obedience along the way, door after door has opened.  And revelation to His will has come into greater clarity.

Ask God what your first step of obedience may be… Then do it.  And watch Him open doors that no man can close!

Related Resource:  Click here to order:  http://www.knowinggodministries.net/

Author: Tara