October’s Iron Sharpens Iron – Recap

Proverbs 31:10
“A wife of noble character, who can find?  She is worth far more than rubies.”

The keynote speaker at our luncheon on Friday was Macon Newby!   Macon is the wife of North Carolina Supreme Court Justice, Paul Newby.  If there’s ever been a wife of noble character – it’s Macon!

Macon’s talk was amazing!  She was real…  She’s humble and she shared personal stories as well as gave practical examples for real life issues.  Several women were shedding tears – including me!  I learned so much.  Here are a few highlights!

1.  Your husband is yearning for your approval.

She shared that whenever Paul is comes off a stage after having spoken, she can tell that he’s starting to critique himself.  Unconsciously he’s yearning for her to say, “Great job!”  He’s inwardly desiring her encouragement.  So are our men!  Macon challenged us to be aware of our husband’s need and desire for our approval.

2.  Your husband is yearning for your respect.  Men want respect – not love.  We show them love, by respecting them.

3. It’s God’s job to change your husband – not yours.
Part of winning him could be surrendering to your husband’s leadership. Allow him to be the leader. (Granted if it’s not immoral or illegal.)

She shared many funny stories, but one in particular was about Paul wanting to go hiking at night while on a trip out west.  He wanted to see moose sleeping.  To do so, they would have to quietly creep up to where they were sleeping.

Needless to say, Macon did not want to go at all.   It was 2 mountain ridges away – in the dark and she was tired.  Yet, Paul was determined and she didn’t want him to go alone. 

So she put on her boots and began stomping behind him with a grudging attitude.   In the midst of her loud stomps, the Lord revealed that her attitude was just like the stomps:  ugly, loud and disrespectful.   He was pressing her to change her heart attitude.  So she made an intentional decision to come in line to God’s prompting.  As a result, caught a glimpse of something that she’ll never again get to see this side of heaven and blessed her husband.  He in turn, was willing to do anything for her!

She challenged our heart attitude when our husband’s go in a direction opposite of ours.  God is honored and is possibly protecting us when we submit to their authority in the family.  God also will bless us for our willingness to submit to our men, as unto the Lord.  (And to do it with a right attitude!)


I praise Jesus for the Newby’s.  I praise Jesus that in the public arena in North Carolina, He has placed a God fearing man and woman.  They fear God far more than they fear the opinion of others.  Let’s pray God will raise up leaders who have a greater fear of Him, than they do ‘man’ on November 6th.

To order October’s CD:  Click HERE  Click on August’s Talk and send me a note with the order if you want September and /or October’s talk.

We have the Cd’s ready, but our wonderful webmaster who does not charge us anything, has to have time to get it on the website.  Bear with us! 

Author: Tara