One Way to Bridge Your Life to the World: RiverCross

Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted;
    You will strengthen their heart; You will incline Your ear
to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed,
    so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more.

Psalm 10:17-18      
Many orphanages around the world hire loving caregivers to become “mamas” for these children. They provide the children food, shelter, school, and often even share the love of Christ with them.
Great, right? But these caregivers are not equipped to help the children with what may be their most serious issue: Trauma.

This may be tough to hear, but it’s important for you to know. Experts tell us that the overwhelming majority of orphans and vulnerable children have been sexually exploited. As you can imagine, this trauma hurts the children so deeply that their hearts are closed to the love of God.
These children need caregivers who are equipped to help them heal so that their hearts will be open to the hope of Christ.
Up to now any training for these caregivers has been through printed communication. But 70% of these caregivers are story-centric. They learn best through stories, songs, dramatizations rather than through books, pamphlets, and Powerpoint presentations. So literate training methods are simply not effective.
The result? The caregivers are unequipped to be the bridge of healing and hope the that children need.

Here’s where we come in. My friend, Cindy Finley has recently become the Associate Director for RiverCross,  a new ministry of TransWorld Radio.
With RiverCross, she is developing resources to equip caregivers to become a bridge for healing and hope. These resources not only respect oral culture, but use storytelling for training.

In May, 2014, Cindy traveled to Zambia to see the inaugural project, Holding Esther, in action. She saw nearly 100 African caregivers immersed in the beauty of the story and then emerge to engage with each other and the material. She watched as they were led in small group discussion by African facilitators and then actively participated in large group discussions. And she listened as African directors told me “The Holding Esther program has the potential to change orphan care across our country.”
And I believe it.

I’m guessing that you’re like me. You care about social justice. You want to make a difference. But, you’ve wondered what you can do that will really help.  I am convinced that through RiverCross, we truly can make a difference.  We can build bridges of healing, bridges of hope for the world’s most vulnerable children.

And so … I’d like to invite you to join Cindy’s Partnership Team.
Her Partnership Team is comprised of people who want to champion the cause of the world’s most vulnerable children. They are using their time, talent, and treasure to leverage their resources to make a difference.

Partners join one or more teams:
Prayer Team
Pray for for RiverCross, as well as for Cindy and her family.  You will receive monthly updates also be invited to participate in monthly prayer gatherings in NC.
Connection Team
Share her work with RiverCross across your sphere of influence. Collaborate with Cindy to share the cause, build connection, and create community.
Giving Team
Invest financially in Cindy’s work with RiverCross by giving monthly or through a stand-alone gift.  Financial partners are essential if we are going to advance the cause of RiverCross. You can easily make your contribution online.
To join a team, go to this link.  And partner with Cindy and me in building bridges of healing, bridges of hope for the world’s most vulnerable children.

The Knowing God Ministries Luncheon

Register Now

Join us at our next Luncheon, March 20th!

“It’s a mini retreat each month…” “Words of encouragement are always shared…” “I can take away a Biblical truth even if the topic is not for my stage in life…”
~Focus Group Participants

March 20, 2015

General Session:  Living Above Insecurity

  • We are ALL insecure in some way or another. Whether our insecurities are silly and shallow or deep and extensive, none of us are strangers to the uncertain, anxious feelings that go with them. If we allow insecurity to define us in the hidden corners of our hearts, how can we live the joyful, victorious lives we are called to live in Christ? Come hear Lindsey share how she has learned to live above it!


Speaker:   Lindsey Wingo

Lindsey Wingo is the Editor-in-chief and founder of the Missional Motherhood blog. She is the wife of Worship Pastor, Ryan Wingo and stay-at-home mother of two sweet girls, Ivey (3), and Ruthie (2). The idea for Missional Motherhood was birthed in her heart after attending a women’s conference from which she left with a renewed desire to intentionally pass on the truth of God’s Word to her children, training them up to send them out. It is her prayer and vision that Missional Motherhood would unite mothers from around the globe with the common purpose of raising up a mighty generation of Christ-followers in an increasingly dark world. Lindsey has a passion for women’s ministry and is a firm believer in the power of true sisterhood in Christ! She can also be found writing letters to her girls on her personal blog, Dear Daughters.”


A Fashion Show!


$24 early registration / $29 at the door

In Need of a Partial Scholarship? Contact

MacGregor Downs Country Club 430 St. Andrews Lane Cary, NC


Doors Open: 11:00am

General Session:  11:30am – 1:00

Optional Workshops:  1:15 – 2:00pm

Author: Tara