Our Children are Watching…

Final Luncheon Information Below

My daughter and I.  
Lord only knows what I’m telling her, but I KNOW she’s giving me the look!

Titus 2:7
“You yourself must be an example to them…”

Following my submission post last week, a friend of mine (also a well-respected Bible teacher, who wanted to remain anonymous) shared this story with me.  Her story has impacted my behavior and thinking ever since.

Here it is:

For 10 years following their wedding, his wife had been saving money because he confided he had always wanted a John Deere riding lawn mower.  

Finally she had enough to buy him the best!  

On their anniversary, she took him to their huge backyard.  He was floored to see the John Deere with a big red ribbon!  His dream had come true!  

He jumped on and took off!  But soon, becoming distracted by all the “bells & whistles,” he failed to notice their pregnant Yorkie, who would soon to give birth to puppies.   Without thought, the pregnant dog ran in front of the mower.  To his horror, he severed her two back legs!  

The man jumped off, wrapped her in a towel and rushed her to the vet.  The vet saved her life, but shared he wasn’t sure the puppies could survive.  

Two weeks later, she miraculously gave birth to three little Yorkies!  Soon, much to the couple’s amazement, the little mommy dog learned how to run again by bopping her small bottom on the ground as she sputtered around.  

A few weeks later, her three puppies began to run… just like their mommy!  Without using their God-given back legs, they ran by bopping their bottoms on the ground, just as their mother was teaching them…

Our children are watching us.   What are they seeing?  What are we teaching them by our actions?

  • Are we teaching them nominal Christianity?  Do we act the part on Sunday morning, but ignore our Bible and Jesus and His principles for living the rest of the week?
  • Are we teaching them that we as women MUST have the last word and our way in marriage and other relationships no matter the cost?
  • Do they ever see us humble ourselves and apologize to those we’ve wronged… starting with our husbands and possible family members (like a mother in law)?
  • Are we teaching them to text and drive?  Put on make-up and drive?
  • Are they watching us overcome adversity through the power of prayer and Jesus in our everyday life?  Are we teaching THEM to overcome adversity through prayer and relationship with Jesus?
We aren’t perfect.   But what an illustration of how our everyday actions matter.  Our children (and others around us) are watching.  
Lord help us…

However, if your kids are grown and you’re thinking, “I blew it!”  Here’s the good news!

  • Our God REDEEMS (Joel 2:25); 
  • He specializes in Resurrection.  He’s into raising dead things (like someone’s faith) back to life!
  • He can CREATE something (like someone’s faith) out of nothing.  (Romans 4).  

Your job is to start bopping with the Lord and begin praying for your adult children.   He will be faithful.


Speaker: Kim Powell
Hearing the Voice of God in Your Everyday Life
God does not just speak with a certain, elite few.  He desires to have open communication with ALL of His children.   In this session, you will:
  • Learn what it means and what it looks like when God speaks practically God to you.
  • How to listen and discern His voice among all the chatter and competition for your attention.
​Do not miss this foundational opportunity.  Hearing God speak in your everyday circumstances is LIFE CHANGING.
Q&A from the General Session with Kim
Ask your questions!  REMOVE any mystery of God speaking personally to you!
Keep your Momentum in the Summer
Don’t let the heat of the summer sap your relationship with Jesus.  We’ll give you ideas and suggestions to keep your time fresh and revived!  
Our book table will be stocked with great summer reading/suggestions so your relationship with Jesus doesn’t wilt with the heat!

Author: Tara

  • Having been raised in the Church, I'm all for the BIBLICAL VERSION of a submissive wife… However I wish the new TLC show would address the fact of some woman living with Chronic pain and fatigue do to living with a illness or disease. In my case, Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia. I never know from one day to the next how I am going to feel. There are days I wish I had some one to just take care of me, which is hard having a disabled husband.

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