Personal Areas of Weakness – Prayer Journal Training

Co-Author of The Politically Incorrect Wife, Nancy Cobb is our speaker Friday!

The General session:
How to Turn Your Marriage Around in 3 Days
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary, NC
The Workshop to follow is:
How to Get Your Husband to Talk to You.
Register Now! Seats are filling up fast.
RSVP by Wednesday @ 5pm
Nancy has studied the male brain for 25 years. You will learn so much, yet laugh hysterically. Both sessions will be thrilling, challenging and life-changing! Truly, you’ll be sitting on the edge of your seat!

Charlotte/Gastonia Girls…
Make plans Now!!!!
I’ll be at First Presbyterian Gastonia
April 28th
Speaking on Marriage and
Walking with Jesus in Everyday Life
2 morning sessions; 9-12
Panera’s catering!!!
Click Here to Register:

John 14:14
“You may ask Me for anything in My name, and I will do it.”

When we study the prayers of the Bible we learn that God is far more concerned for our heart than He is our outward circumstances.  (This is not to say that God is not interested in our circumstances, because He is.)  But He is FAR MORE concerned with what’s going on inside of us in the midst of success and failures, trials and tribuations, victories and frustrations than He is our happiness and pleasant circumstances.


So each day during your prayer time, take time to pray over your areas of weakness.  I’ve only listed a few.   Find your own Scriptures as you have your quiet time or do Bible Study.  Just know that when we take time to pray Scripture – we are always, always, always praying the will of God and He will do it!  


Do you have a hard time believing Jesus and His promises to you in the Bible?  Or a personal Word He’s given to you in your quiet time?

“Lord, I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief.”  Mark 9:24

Your Mouth:

  • Are you prone to gossip?
  • Do you tend to talk nonstop?  Or are you constantly sticking your foot in your mouth because you’ve said too much?

Then pray Scripture over your mouth –
“Lord, set a guard over the door of my lips.”  Psalm 141:3
“Lord, may I resolve that my mouth will not sin.”  Psalm 17:3

Your Mind:

  • Do you struggle with crazy thoughts?  Mean thoughts?  Vile thoughts?  Wrong thoughts?

Then pray:
“Lord, help to think about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, the things that are admirable – anything that is excellent or praise worthy – help to think about such things.”  Philippians 4:8

“Lord set my mind on the things above…”  Colossians 3:2
“Lord, Your Word says the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.  Spirit, control my mind!”  Romans 8:6

A lack of love for other people?

Then pray:
“Lord, love _______ through me.”  John 15:12
“Allow the fruits of the Spirit to work through me.  I need help!” Galatians 5:22-23

The Greatest Commandment?

The Bible says the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  And then to love your neighbor as yourself.

This is sometimes hard!  Then pray:

“Lord, help me to love YOU more than I love anyone or anything.”  Matthew 22:37
“Lord, help me to love others, especially those who are difficult.”  Matthew 22:39

The miracle is that when we pray Scripture like this – He hears and answers!  And the answer, prayed in Jesus name: is yes!

Did any of the above Scriptures speak to your heart or circumstances today?
If so:
Write it down in the Renewal Section of your Prayer Journal and make it a daily prayer for yourself or others!

Author: Tara