Prayer Time Dry?

Have you ever come into your prayer time dry?  Not really knowing what to say?  Perhaps all you can think about are your fears and insecurities.  Or your prayer list of what you need God to do that day… 

This can describe me – on any given day.   So what do you do?

Psalm 100:4
“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.”

So far, we’ve talked about:

  • Recording in your Praise Section or your A-Z list attributes of God.  Or perhaps new things you learn about Him in your Bible reading time.

  • Intentionally being thankful!  Taking time each day to look back at the day before and trace the fingerprints of God and record them on whatever day it is in the body of the Journal.  I recommended bullet points.

  • Recording the “biggies” in the front of your Journal in the Thanksgiving Section

Personally, I allocate one page per month.  I write the month at the top – and then intentionally record God’s blessings in my life, my husband’s, children, ministry etc… 

Last post I talked about how encouraging it is to go back and see the faithfulness of God 6 + months ago.  Especially when times are tough.

When I am intentional about recording everything mentioned above – this helps jump starts those day’s when I’m dry with nothing to say.

This also helps me to get my mind on the bigness of our God and the smallness of my circumstances.  Listen to this passage I read the other day – I wrote it in my “Praise Section.”  It helps reiterate this point.

“Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him.   With him is only the arm of the flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” 
2 Chronicles 32:7-8

What vast army is attacking you?  What are your fears and insecurities?  Praise God and thank Him that there is  a greater power with you than with your enemy of _____________.

With your enemy is only the arm of the flesh, but with you is the Lord your God to help you and to fight your battles.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS enter your prayer time with praise and with thanksgiving!

Let me know if you have any questions –

Next Week:  Confessing Sin and dealing with guilt

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Author: Tara