Quick to Ask

2 Timothy 3:1-4

“But mark this:  There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be:
lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful,
unholy,without love, unforgiving,slanderous,without self-control,brutal, not lovers of good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God -“
Would you describe yourself as ungrateful?  Be honest. 

Now let me ask you an even harder question:  Would the Lord describe you as ungrateful?

Until recently, I wouldn’t have thought I was ungrateful.  I tell people “thank you,” all the time.  Sometimes, I feel like I go overboard.   Yet clearly, the Lord showed me otherwise!  He opened my eyes to several areas of total ingratitude. 
So one area He showed me was how quick I am to ask for His help, His provision, His wisdom, etc…  But am I just as quick to say, “thank you,” when the answer or the provision comes?
Sadly,  NO.
Due to the busyness of everyday life, I’m forgetting to be thankful.  Taking His grace and His mercy for granted.
Are you as quick to say, “thank you,” as you are to ask for things in prayer?  Perhaps you pour out your requests to Him, and like me, have been taking the answers for granted.

Next Post:  Restaurant Gratitude –

Author: Tara

  • How true, Tara! I was convicted yesterday of neglecting to say "thank you" to God when Sara's heart palpitations turned out to be "normal" and not a sign of a serious problem. Frankly all I was fixated on was the $700 doctor bill! So let me take this opportunity to publicly say, "THANK YOU, JESUS". And thanks also for blessing me with wonderful friends who prayed for my sweet girl! I hope I am never like the 9 who didn't turn back to thank Jesus for healing, I always want to be like the ONE who remembered to say, "Thank You, Jesus!"

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