Respect in Marriage – What does it Look Like?

by | Oct 26, 2016 | Marriage, Uncategorized

Ephesians 5:33 AMP

However, each man among you [without exception] is to love his wife as his very own self [with behavior worthy of respect and esteem, always seeking the best for her with an attitude of loving kindness],

and the wife [must see to it] that she respects and delights in her husband [that she notices him, admires him,  regards him, and prefers him and treats him with loving concern, treasuring him, honoring him, and do all of this exceedingly].

Let’s be clear, there is no such thing as a perfect marriage or a perfect couple.    They simply do not exist.  Perfect couples only exist on the top of wedding cakes.

As we head into the final event in our Marriage Series,  our speaker, Holly Ladner, will be sharing her story.  Holly and her husband, Scott have founded a ministry called Marriage Unbroken; Equipping Couples to Stand the Test of Time.


Scott & Holly Ladner;   Marriage Unbroken

Holly will also be discussing (among other things) a vital element in marriage.  In fact, it’s the one thing every man wants…   RESPECT!   

Being respected and being treated with respect is huge for a man.  Take a look at how the Amplified Bible describes it from Ephesians 5:33:

  1. Reverences her husband – feels and shows honor and respect
  2. Notices him – looks, observes, perceives,, regards, remarks, sees
  3. Regards him – thinks of, to pays attention to, holds in high esteem, cares for
  4. Honors him – treats with integrity
  5. Prefers him – promotes, likes better
  6. Treasures him – sets a high value on
  7. Defers to him – submits to or yields to the preferences of another
  8. Praises him – expresses verbal approval of
  9. Loves him – values highly, cherishes, feels a lover’s passion and devotion
  10. Admires him – appreciates, regards with high esteem, praises, compliments
  11. Do all of this exceedingly – goes beyond the limits of

God created men to desire and need respect.   Notice that respect is a command.  (Also note: He commands men to love their wives.)  If we want love, we need to demonstrate respect.

Holly will talk about respect, and ways for our marriages to stand the test of time.  You don’t want to miss it!  Grab a girlfriend and come join us:)

Final Event in our Marriage Series:

Perfect Couples Live Only on Wedding Cakes
Thursday, October 27; Walk-ins welcome
Hope Community Church / 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Black Friday Early for Ticket Holders!

Rarely Discounted Items


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  1. Purchase unlimited tickets at any KGM Event or email us here.
  2. Shop ANY BELK location Now – Nov. 5th.  Enjoy Black Friday discounts PLUS $5 off per ticket/per register.
  3. Belk holds your items and does not charge you until November 5th.
  4. Pick up your items the week of November 5th.


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