I am overwhelmed by those of you who read our blog for “help” with our golf tournament – and responded!
I’ll give more details of how you’ve helped next week. And I’ll be naming names (if you don’t mind.) But I’m blown away by your willingness to help – each in your own unique way! (It’s not too late to help should the Lord prompt you.)
From the bottom of my heart – THANK YOU!
This past Thursday, I drove my daughter to Myrtle Beach for “Heather camp” for the week. Heather is my sister and my children adore their family.
So I spent one night with my sister and then drove to Holden Beach to meet the KGM team. We had a great time. All 8 of us spent a restful, bonding, sweet weekend together.
But for 4 days straight, I either missed my quiet time or it was way too brief. One morning I woke up with a migraine. Another morning, I was too busy snuggling with my nephew in front of the TV as he woke up. The other 2 mornings, I was too busy visiting with the girls in my posse – probably distracting them– rather than reading my own Bible during that time.
4 straight days of interrupted quiet time.
But here’s the victory… There was NO guilt or condemnation. I used to go into such condemnation when I missed my quiet time. Looking back – I really believe it was because my quiet time was more duty or religion based… rather than relationship based.
This is growth for me. And today I’m rejoicing!
So this morning – after having slept in my own bed last night (thank you Jesus!) – I got up… Made my coffee… and had the sweetest time with the Lord. It was so good to be back. So good to have my Bible back in my lap; my coffee in tow; in my comfy chair with my dog sleeping beside me. And most importantly, listening to the Voice of the only ONE Who brings rest to my soul…
As much fun as I had with my dear sister, whom I adore and miss greatly. And for the precious time I had with some of the most important women in my life…
NOTHING compares to time with Jesus each day.
Truly, He and He alone provides rest for our weary souls.