Rumors and Gossip Amongst Believers

Matthew 7:12
“Do to others what you would have them do to you.”

Rumors, gossip, and slander of character and reputation.  What’s worse?  When it happens between believers.

I’ve been on the receiving end of slander.  I, myself and Knowing God Ministries was slandered last spring.  And it came from a very unlikely source.  My heart was hurt and I now deal with trust issues in my inner circle – something I am praying through.

I’ve chosen to forgive this person.  And when her name comes to mind, I’ve trained my mind to pray blessings for her and her family…  Knowing that God will continue to vindicate me as I keep a clear conscience.

While this was happening, only one person confronted me and asked my side of the story.  One person –

By God’s grace and the quiet time I’m addicted to, I was able to not only share why I had a clear conscience, but what God had said to me about the situation… 

2 Samuel 22:24-48 (bits and pieces)
“You gave me victory over my accusers.  He is the God who pays back those who harm me.  He is a Shield to all who look to Him for protection.  The Lord rewarded me for doing right.  He restored me because of my innocence.  I am blameless before God.  I have kept myself from sin.

So when you hear something about another believer, perhaps a leader in the Body of Christ… what should you do? 

1.  Ask yourself, “does this fit their character?” 

2.  Ask the Lord during your quiet time if there is any truth to what you’ve heard.  (Warning:  If you are not having a regular quiet time… you are susceptible to believing and acting in a way that God will not honor.)

3.  Ask the person their side of the story.  (Matthew 5:23-26)  Be bold.  Do not be a coward, but ask.

4.  Give them the benefit of the doubt.

God sees everything.  He exalts and He humbles.  If the person is guilty, GOD WILL DEAL WITH THEM.  You will not have to.  And in the meantime, you will have a clear conscience before the Lord, because you will have, “done to others what you would have them do to you.” 

Author: Tara