Sandie’s Story

Join me this weekend
 at the 2011 Women’s Refresh Your Heart Conference
Colonial Baptist, Cary NC

in your spiritual growth/ in your family life/ in your daily life

Saturday, November 5
Register today!
Hope to see you there!

1 Samuel 15:22

“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord?  To obey is better than sacrifice…”
This past June, I was feeling overwhelmed with all the”stuff” that comes with a ministry.  Even with a small ministry like Knowing God Ministries, there’s so much to do administratively, it would surprise you. 
So when God began impressing upon my heart to start “writing” again, my respons was,  “But, how Lord?  With all this “stuff’, plus keeping my family in it’s priority order, how could I even think of starting to write again?”
Within a few days of this prayer, I received an email from a gal named Sandie.  I had only met her once.  And to be honest, did not remember that encounter.   She had attended a Christmas Luncheon I had keynoted the previous December.  Though it had been 6 months, she had become a regular blog reader.
Sandie was preparing for partial retirement from a high-profile law office where she is an executive assistant.  Her responsibilities are all-consuming.  Yet she said that the Lord had begun nudging her to connect with me.  So instead of shrinking back or doing what I would have done saying, “She’s going to think I’m crazy Lord, no way!”  She obeyed the voice of the Lord and connected with me.
Little did she know, Sandie was the answer to my prayer!
Sandie now handles much of my administrative responsibilities for our Women’s Luncheons.   As she is available, she is taking on more and more responsibility.  What a huge blessing not only to me and my team, but to the women who are attending our luncheons.
Because of Sandie, I know who was there and who wasn’t so that my team can eventually start encouraging them on a regular basis.  Because of Sandie, we know who was new, so that they can receive a note of connection from us. 
As a result of Sandie’s willingness to serve, the women we are starting to connect with have expressed being encouraged, challenged and even comforted by our follow up.  This is all due to ONE woman – willing to serve in relative obscurity so that the Body of Christ in our corner of the world can be built up.
Where is God nudging you to plug in?   Follow Sandie’s lead, and be a blessing to someone and to the Body of Christ today!

Author: Tara