September’s Luncheon – Pornography Redemption Recap

How Our Marriage Survived Pornography, 

Rita and Kevin Bragg;
Luncheon Recap September 14th.
Revelation 12:11
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony  Italics mine

Sorry it’s taken me a week to give you a recap of luncheon details, but Jury Duty threw my schedule last week.  If you were not there – you will want to order the CD.   Click HERE to order  (Until we get “September’s tag up by the end of this week, click on August and send a note requesting September.  We’ll get them out to you ASAP!)

Women at the luncheon were strengthened, encouraged, blessed, and equipped by the courageous and transparent testimony of Kevin and Rita Bragg. They boldly went where few in the church dare to go.

Rita’s Story:

They both shared – but Rita went first, sharing how “the revelation” all came about.  As a woman, her introduction  to the life change that would soon follow was like a rug being pulled out from under her – it was abrupt and sudden.  Without warning, Rita had taught VBS one morning and the next morning she was confronted with the fact that her husband would be “going public” that Sunday and resigning his position at the church.

With no money or place to live – they shared the story of how God intervened on their behalf and did what only HE COULD DO.    His provisions were nothing short of miraculous.

One of the interesting things Rita said, (she said many), but I thought about our current culture…

  • The book, 50 Shades of Grey – is female porn.   

This book is a hot topic in our culture.  I have not read it – just sharing…

Kevin’s Story

His thoughts were insightful and helpful.  Here are a few highlights:

  • Pornography addiction is chemical – all it takes is 1 look.
  • It’s God’s kindness that leads to repentance…  It was his wife’s kindness (ultimately) that led to repentance.  (Repentance= turning from the sin)
  • “Secrecy kills; honesty heals.”  Anything kept secret in a marriage – kills.  Honesty, not matter how hard eventually brings healing.
  • Turning from pornography has required reprogramming his mind – behavior modification does not work.
  • One of the way’s he’s learned to reprogram is to remember that a woman or a man in a pornographic image is someones daughter… Or son… When it’s thought about in that prism – you begin to pray for that person.
  • Every man and woman needs an accountability partner – someone they can share their deepest, darkest and most ugly secrets without fear of judgement, but will hold them accountable. 

He also said that every computer – especially with kids in the house – needs “guard rails.”  Below are a few of the suggestions he made.  “Some are free, but you get what you pay for,” he cautioned.

Rita and Kevin boldly went where few in the church dare to go.  Their transparency is authentic and brought healing to many; hope to others; and yet education to many others.  Thank you Rita and Kevin for your willingness to overcome evil by the word of your testimony.

Author: Tara