Still Can’t Hear? Golf Pictures!

Update and pictures from our
1st Annual KGM Golf Tournament!
(See below)
1 Samuel 15:22
What is more pleasing to the Lord:  your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to His voice?

Sometimes it’s far easier to give our money, perhaps our time in tireless service; our attendance or even right moral living… than to obey the voice of the Lord.  But this is where we have to be careful.

God loves our sacrifices: our tithes; our tireless service; our mission trips;  our attendance and our right moral living…  But what God wants more than anything… is obedience to His voice.

What was the last thing the Lord impressed upon your heart?

Did you do it?

My next door neighbor lost her teenage son a year ago to suicide.  My heart aches for this woman.  My many attempts at reaching out to her have been to no avail.  I pray for her every time I walk Jake past her house or drive up my driveway. 

But recently, the Lord impressed upon my heart to go to Trader Joe’s and buy her an orchid. 

Have I done it?

No.  My ministry work has gotten in the way.  The golf tournament that was a huge success (by the grace of God) consumed me last week.  Prior to that, I’ve been on the road – speaking a various women’s events. 

Service?   Tireless service… (And I’m tired!)

Yet as I walked by her house yesterday, I heard in my heart, “You still have not done what I asked you to do.”

Listen to the rest of 1 Samuel 15:22
“Obedience is far better than sacrifice.  Listening to Him is much better than offering the fat of rams.  Rebellion is as bad as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as bad as worshipping idols.” 

Yikes!   I’m going to Trader Joe’s today.

If you’re having a hard time hearing His voice in your quiet time – ask Him, “Lord, where am I not obeying you?”

He loves you so much – He’ll be quick to answer.  Just be quick to obey!

Pictures from the
1st Annual Knowing God Ministries Golf Tournament!
Our golf tournament was a huge success!  The weather was picture perfect:  no humidity; 78 degrees and sunny!
We are so thankful for all the players and sponsors.  Indeed, God opened the heavens and poured out His blessings on us.  
My dad to my right.  He is so awesome – what a tremendous.  He brought one of the big bosses from Farm Bureau Insurance to play – to his right!
The golfers were preparing for launch!
Standing in the light blue – my uncle Jeff!
Golfers as they were arriving!
They were greeted by Melody and Caroline.

Will’s friend, Luke and his dad played as well.
Judy, my aunt is on the left.  With her 2 friends.

My dad and his golf partner
Sponsors were acknowledged; winners were announced and I shared the vision and mission of Knowing God Ministries.
I got their attention when I told them that it is “sin” for a woman to deny intimacy to her husband. 
 It was hilarious! 
Talk about total silence and complete attention!
We then raffled off amazing prizes!
Tomorrow:  More pictures and special acknowledgement to our sponsors.

Author: Tara