Submission: A Gift for the Strong Woman

1 Peter 3:1-2

Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, 
if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 
when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.

Submission:  a repugnant, repulsive word to most women …  Yet totally misunderstood by a culture that’s sadly Biblically illiterate.   When understood in Biblical context, submission is empowering. Submission is a gift.

I personally have found, it takes STRENGTH to submit.  It’s far easier to insist on having the last word or having my way.  But when we insist on our way, the gift goes away.

Two ways submission is a gift:

1.  A woman no longer takes the consequences of decisions made in the household on herself.  She allows her man to lead and the consequences fall on him.

The consequences of a bad decision (YOU insisted upon) doesn’t have to fall on you.   On multiple occasions, I have found safety and protection by not insisting on having my way.

Years ago before learning the power available to me through the gift of submission, I used to insist on things being done MY WAY…  (Still battle at times.)
But when a decision you insist upon goes bad, the responsibility falls on you. Let’s face it, when you’re married, whether you like it or not, we have to answer to our spouses.
My husband almost always asks my opinion prior to making big decisions.  The majority of the time, he goes with my thoughts.  He values what I think.  But when he doesn’t take my advice, I humbly accept and MOVE ON! 
Just last week I was tested in this area.  He didn’t ask my opinion about a major purchase.   Deep down, I was a little irritated.   But instead of being making a big deal out of the “surprise,”  I chose to encourage him by thanking him and telling him I trust his decision making abilities for our family.

We as women have to choose our battles.  If we battle EVERYTHING, our opinions become less respected and honored.

2.  The power to win our husband to the Lord.

“so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.”  (1 Peter 3:1-2… bold and italics mine)

Are you a believer, but your husband is not?  SUBMISSION IS YOUR TICKET to winning his heart to Jesus.   God proved faithful to me in this principle as this has been the case in my life and many others I know.

Submission is a gift to the woman who is strong.   Let’s face it.  It takes strength to:

  • Keep our mouths closed when we want to let him have it!
  • To be gracious when he makes a bad decision.
  • To not manipulate with the silent treatment, head games or sex in order to get our way.
  • To not pout  or sulk when not getting our way.
  • To not undermine his authority in front of the children when disagreement arises.

Submission is strength and power under the control of the Holy Spirit.  Submission, when understood in the context God intended – is an empowering gift to the family unit.

Author: Tara