Submission’s Purpose and A Wife’s Job Description

Ephesians 5:22-23

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church…

Modern day thinking DOES NOT WORK in marriage.

Modern day thinking:*

  • Marriage is a 50/50 proposition – 
  • You should treat your man as he treats you –
  • Your man’s job is to make you happy –
God’s way of thinking:
  • I am 100% responsible for my behavior NOT his.
  • We are to love our husbands unconditionally.
  • A source of power is readily available to help.
  • My joy is not determined by another person.
  • Doing things God’s way is the key to having a joyful life.*

God is a God of order.    He has an order for the seasons.  He has an order for government.  He has order for the family.   His order for the family is for the husband to be the head of the home.

Let’s look at it like a cooperation:

Husband is the President
Wife is the Vice President

The Vice President of any (healthy) company is not trying to undermine the President by trying to do the President’s job.  He/she is trying to do their job with excellence for the common good of the company and share holders.

The same is true in the home.  Never mind his job.  FOCUS on your job.

The Woman’s job description in marriage includes:

1.  She submits to his leadership.
2.  She’s a helper to him.
3.  She respects him.
4.  She sleeps with him.
5.  She provides companionship.
6.  She’s a wise home builder.

We’ll be discussing these concepts and more in our online FaceBook group titled, “Submissive Wife Community with Tara.”  Join us if you haven’t already!

Two people vying for the same position creates a potential disaster.  A wise woman once told me, “Two heads make a monster.  Submit to his leadership.”

* Taken from the Politically Incorrect Wife
Click HERE for more!

Author: Tara