Suspended in His Love

“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”  (Emphases mine.)
Ephesians 3:17-18
As I come before you for the first time, I’d like to say,  “Hello, sweet sister!”  

My name is Fuller, and it is my privilege to share this journey with you.  As you get to know me, you’ll learn very quickly that I’m an artsy, contemplative Jesus girl.  
So, here goes: In both my work (photography) and my life, I like to find what I call “Passion in the Ordinary.”  As I share ways God has guided my thoughts to grasp profoundly passionate ideas through ordinary words, objects or circumstances, I pray that you, too, will start to experience the same things.
Tara recently spoke at the October Iron Sharpens Iron luncheon on how to have a vibrant quiet time.  It’s so crucial! 
I won’t reiterate her points, but I will share that one of the key “tools” I bring to my quiet time is:  my imagination. 

Ephesians 1:18 says:  “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened. . .” – – Do you see it?  My pastor tells me that  “eyes of our hearts” can be translated literally as “imagination!”

Recently one morning, today’s scripture verse was the focus of my prayer time.   Being the visual person I am, I tried to picture what “Christ’s love” might look like.  I pictured a random object “out there” – -and tried to follow the measurements (“height, depth, width”) to grasp what it might look like. 

Suddenly, I thought (and dared to ask God): “That’s redundant – -aren’t the height and the depth the same measurement?  Aren’t they the same thing?” 

And I heard a prompt in my heart say, “No, dear one. You’re starting from the wrong vantage point.  To see my love, start with YOU.”  And, suddenly, as I felt myself track out the measurements  – starting with me and going forever up, forever down, forever side to side – I realized:  I’m SUSPENDED IN HIS LOVE!
The poem below then flowed through me as I imagined with God what His love for me – and, yes, His love for YOU – looks like. 
SWIM in that love, girlfriend! 
Stop, O soul, from searching
For love somewhere ‘outside’ –
It can’t be sought, it can’t be found
Just ope’ your eyes – it’s all around.
The length –
The breadth –
The height –
The depth –
I’m suspended
By Your love
I’m suspended
In Your love.
Where can I flee from your presence?
Where can I go and not be known?
You go before, You go behind. . .
When I feel lost, in You I find
The length –
The breadth –
The height –
The depth –
I’m suspended
by Your love
I’m suspended
In Your love.
(Bridge:)  Like a treasure in the amber
Like a child in the womb
Your essence means I’m free-
Kept so safe. . . fully me.
 In You, I’m safe – In You, I’m me. . .
 Fuller  11.10.10
(Copyright 2010, K. Fuller Harvey)

Author: Tara

  • Amanda,
    You are a joy and continued source of blessing and encouragement to me. . .Consider yourself hugged, high-fived, and everything in between, sweet sister!
    In grateful love and hope of a "together meeting" soon,

  • Sweet Fuller! I love love love your song and this first opportunity we have to hear from you. You are such a blessing in helping us all see the beauty in the imagination –and creativity God uses in us all. Hope to see you soon, sweet friend!
    Much love,

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