The 1st Time I Heard God Speaks to Everyday People

John 8:47
“He who belongs to God hears what God says.”

I remember the first time someone told me God speaks to ordinary people.

The year was 1994.  It was my first year in the Singles Bible Study Fellowship class.  I asked a friend, “How do the leaders become leaders in BSF?”

My friend: “God calls them.”
Me:  “What do you mean ‘God calls them?'”
Friend:  “He tells them to do it.”

I remember thinking that was one of the weirdest, kookiest things I had ever heard.  I wanted to leave and never come back!

But I didn’t leave.  I stayed… for 12 years.  Ironically, God would tell me to leave through Deuteronomy 1:6, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain, break camp and advance.”  

I love it when God is THAT direct!

God speaking/connecting personally with His creation is not weird or kooky.  The more I understand Scripture, the more I understand how personal and intimate God desires to be with each one of us.   

EACH ONE OF US.  That means:

  • The one who has worn a Scarlet Letter like abused, adulterer, divorced, abortionist, etc…
  • The one who may have limited Bible knowledge…
  • The one who was not raised going to church…
  • The one who has major life issues and struggles…
  • The one who may feel so unworthy…*

Now that I know God speaks to the ordinary, everyday people, I can’t live without His tender, sweet voice.  ESPECIALLY during seasons of difficulty and hardship.

Do you want to understand more about hearing God speak personally to you?  Friday’s lunch is for you.

But in case you can’t come to the Luncheon –

Created for Purpose is great tool for learning more about this subject.

*Exerts from today were taken from this study.

Luncheon – Friday, May 15th

Hearing the Voice of God in Your Everyday Life
Speaker: Kim Powell
Luncheon Details: click HERE

TV Show Details – Sunday, May 17th 
New Name:    Submissive Wives’ Guide to Marriage
New Date:      Sunday, May 17th
Time:              9:00pm & 11:00pm
Channel:         TLC

My reading this morning was in Joshua 1.  Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous…”  Courage is feeling fear, but ignoring it and acting in faith.  That’s where I’m standing as it relates to this TV show airing Sunday night.  So grateful Jesus speaks to everyday people like me and you!
Can you Help?
  • Share the show’s premier!   Share it on social media.  Rally the Body in your corner of the world to watch it. 
  • Watch it!
  • Comment during or after the show – Twitter and TLC Facebook page  are HUGE.  The TLC website is too.
  • PRAY – for the show to:
  1. Represent His way of life – that others may want to learn more about it.
  2. Teach His Word – BIG marriage principles are taught
  3. Be an agent of salvation –  
By the way:  the 2 BIG Biblical principles that made the show:
1.  Submission – explained and lived out.  (Obviously!)
2.  Intimacy in Marriage:)

Author: Tara

  • Thank you for the tv show!!! I came across it part way thru and recorded the second airing. I'm a young farmer's wife and homeschooling mom of five boys ages two to nine. We have a very good marriage but there's always room for improvement:) I struggle so much wondering why God seems to have me in a lonely place for the past few years. I'm around all these males but hardly any women. Occasionally, a lunch date with a gal friend but no one who really wants to have a heart to heart type of friendship. My mom and Mother-in-law both choose to not be around much for different reasons and my sisters live far away or are not like-minded. We attend a very small bible believing church but it's mostly elderly women who although nice, don't have much interest in any ladies bible studies or fellowship. I share all this just to let you know that a voice like yours heard over tv in one hour really makes a difference! I hope it becomes a series. The loneliness issues I face leave me feeling exhausted at times(that and five young sons I suppose!) but today I kept hearing your voice saying, "Suck it up." I love it! So bold and to the point and so true:) Because of that voice I have a nice dinner in the oven even though I was tired. We live in Minnesota and are willing to drive far for fellowship but have found many here aren't into that sort of thing. We shall see what God does but thanks for your powerful witness! God bless you!

  • Good Evening, Tara! I was alerted to your show that will be on TV this Sunday night so I will be telling my readers about it on my Sunday morning post. I have been mentoring women to love and obey their husbands for the past 10 years in obedience to God's command to older women in Titus 2:3-5. May God be glorified through this show and may many marriages be healed since every marriage functions beautifully when there is only one leader and one help meet; God's perfect design!

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