I’m still loving my NLT Daily Chronological Bible. It’s been 2+ years and I’m still reading most every morning. Currently, I’m 20+ days behind. I’m savoring every word. It’s rich!
My reading this week has given me new appreciation for the Baby in the Manger.
Romans 5:2 NLT, “Christ [the Baby in the Manger] has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand…”
5:6 “When we were utterly helpless, [the Baby in the Manger] came at just the right time and died for us sinners. (sinners – that’s YOU and ME.)
5:8, “God showed his great love for us by sending [the Baby in the Manger] to die for us while we were still sinners.”
Perhaps you, like me, once thought church people were weird. Maybe you, like me, made fun of Christians. Perhaps you, like me, were living to please yourself and your every whim.
While we were like this, God sent the Baby in the Manger. God loves us, warts and all, more than we will ever comprehend. He sent the Baby in the Manger in order to bring us into a place of undeserved privilege and right standing with Himself.
We don’t deserve His goodness. This is the significance of the Baby in the Manger.
We have a responsibility to respond to the Baby in the Manger.
- Have you responded by believing and receiving Him therefore becoming one of God’s children? If this is a new concept to you, click HERE to learn more about right standing with God.
- If you have responded to [the Baby in the Manger] – may you appreciate afresh, as I have, the significance of the Christmas season.
Christmas Tip #2:
Give the Baby in the Manger a Birthday Gift this year… I’ll elaborate more tomorrow. In the mean time – ask Jesus what HE wants for His birthday!
Today’s Christmas Reading: Luke 1:26-38
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