The Greatest Event in the History of Mankind

Hebrews 12:2
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning it’s shame.”

The greatest event in the history of mankind will be observed this weekend.  Yet sadly, for many Americans, it will be overshadowed by golf’s biggest golf tournament; the Easter bunny and the many other things that we fill our holiday weekend with.

I’ve decided to try to be intentional this year:

The Party
My daughter approached me on Monday and asked if we could have an Easter party on Friday.  I instantly cringed at the thought of one more thing to do…  until she told me that she wanted to write notes to Jesus – taping them to helium filled balloons and releasing them to Him.  How in the world could I resist a request like that???

She then went on to say that she wanted to get a cake and put “Happy Birthday Jesus” on it. 
Me:  “It’s not His birthday.  That’s at Christmas.”
Caroline:  “OK,” as she walked off.   “Well, let’s put, ‘Hope you have a good rising’ on it!” 

How precious is that?  I’m not sure how many more years she’ll want to do stuff like this, so game on!  We’re having an Easter party on Friday afternoon.

Then there’s the intentional study of the Cross…

The Gift
For the last several years, I’ve purposefully studied the Cross leading into Easter.  This year, I have not been able to do it.  In fact, I’ve dreaded it and have even resisted. 

Feeling a little guilty this morning, I sat down in my quiet time and opened my Chronological Bible to November 1st – and began reading.   I quickly realized why I’ve resisted…  

  • To read about my Jesus being spit upon; slapped and betrayed breaks my heart. 
  • To read about His agony in the Garden – grieves my soul. 
  • To read about His BFF’s sleeping instead of comforting Him – reminds me sadly of something I might do. 
  • To read about His BFF’s bailing on Him when He truly needed a friend – depresses me.
  • To read about the pressure being so intense, that He was sweating drops of blood… is almost more than I can take.

It’s like seeing a family member being tortured and tormented…  Knowing it’s my fault that He’s being tortured.

So, I resolved to “go there” this morning.   To linger… to ponder…  just what He chose to go through on my behalf and on your behalf.   As I did, my own tears began to fall. 

The Masters is on this weekend.  No doubt, I will be watching –  As will much of the nation.   We will fix our eyes on Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson along with many of the other greats in golf this weekend… 

While the greatest event in the history of mankind is observed. 

So in an attempt to intentionally fix my eyes on Jesus instead of Tiger this weekend,  I’ll continue writing these blogs.  You may not be here to read it – but that’s OK.    It’s a sacrificial gift to Him –   of taking the time for a closer look… at the greatest event in the history of mankind.

Author: Tara