The Importance of Friends…

Is this week,  Friday, August 10th!  See details below!

Daniel 1:8

“But Daniel resolved not to defile himself…”  (my italics)

Last Friday after school,  I made a point to park my car and go meet my 12 year old’s Middle School teachers.  This hands-on approach sometimes drives my kids nuts, but I don’t care.  I want to know who my kids are spending all these hours with each day.  I want to shake their hand; look ’em in the eye and briefly hear their heart.

I was impressed with all of his teachers, but I was most captivated with Will’s literature and grammar teacher, Mr. Carbonne.  He’s new to our school this year.  This older gentleman (older than me)exuded wisdom and grace.  He was kind and gentle, yet firm.  Clearly, the Spirit of the Living God is flowing through this man.

In our conversation he shared something that struck a nerve with me.  And his nugget of wisdom also beautifully dove tails with:

  • Iron Sharpens Iron this week &
  • What I’m studying in my quiet time out of a Daily Chronological Bible NLT: Daniel  

This is what Mr. Carbonne said, “Except for the material you read and the people with whom you interact, you will be the same person 5 years from now as you are today.”

Think about that.  So true.  The Bible backs up every word of this.

The material you read…  What do you spend your time reading?  Be honest.  Me?  My prayer is to be more of an avid reader, but the truth is, I’m not.  I’d rather watch the Olympics.  And then after the Olympics – I’d rather watch Talking Points with Bill O’Reily each night.

What about the people with whom you interact?  Who are they?  Who are your core friends?  Where are they spiritually?  Are they bringing you closer in your relationship with God?  Or are they pulling you backwards?

Friends are important…  But more importantly, the quality of our core friends is even MORE important.  This summer, God has talked me through some touchy, prickly and difficult friend situations both for me and my children.  I have much to share.

So if you do not want to be 5 years from now where you are today – hang with me.  But know:  Sometimes there’s pain with growth.  But I promise, it’s worth it!

  1. Why did I mention Iron Sharpens Iron and friendships?   Over the last year and a half, since we starting hosting this luncheon,  we have watched God divinely connect women.  It is one of the things we pray for ahead of time:  Divine seating!  ISI is a great way to meet quality women who may be searching for the same things out of life as you are OR may have already experienced what you are going through and can help you navigate those waters from a God perspective – not a worldly perspective.
  2. Why did I mention the Chronological Bible?  YOU WILL NOT GROW SPIRITUALLY unless you are in the Word – and not just once a week either. 

I’m studying Daniel.  He lived in seductive Babylon.  And by the grace of God, he had 3 friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,  who held the same set of values and resolve.

What resolve?  
The resolve to not to allow the culture to defile them. 
We all need some Shadrach’s, Meshach and Abednego’s  in our life…
Do you have any?

This was our first ISI, April 2011

Friday, August 10th

Learning the Language of Love and the 5 Love Languages
Click HERE to Register for Iron Sharpens Iron
The One Year Chronological Bible

Author: Tara

  • Boy did I need this timely message today. It spoke volumes directly to my soul as I have been battling a friend issue recently and am unsure of how to handle it. Your blog post reminded me that instead of seeking counsel for friends or my husband, I need to turn to God and allow His word to guide me. I need to make spending time with Him a priority in these challenges that lay ahead. Thank you so much for always speaking what the Lord lays on your heart.

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