The Most Important Thing to a Man

Matthew 10:16
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”

During Sunday night’s show, Submissive Wives’ Guide to Marriage, my husband and I sat nervously side by side on our couch…. Almost in a surreal fog.  Both phones exploding with texts from loving friends and family members during commercial breaks.  Your support during one of the most fragile, insecure, yet determined seasons to trust God has been profound. Sweet readers, I truly cannot thank you enough.

As a result of Sunday Night’s show, we have a lot more readers.  If you are new to our community, WELCOME!   I personally am so glad to have you and encourage you to subscribe!

Tim and I were THRILLED with how the show turned out.  Which by the way, kudos to Kristin and Mark.  I’m so proud of them.  It took courage to let the world see inside their marriage.  Yet Kristin’s issues are more normal than not.  I admire how Kristin was brave enough to say, “I need help,” and allow the world to watch a different way of thinking brings results in her home.

But here’s the thing:  we filmed SO MUCH MORE than was actually shown!!!

We filmed scenes that dealt with:
  • Forgiveness – 
  • Communicating Respect with our words and actions – 
  • Food being ministry – 
  • The importance of taking care of yourself for your man – (not always sporting the grunge look)
  • How to maintain the power for a lifestyle change, not just a seasonal change.

But in the end, sex sells.  Sex was the hook the casting company wanted to use in hopes of creating buzz for a potential Series.  (Boy did they create buzz!)

I realize this topic ruffled feathers – in the church and out.  

But here’s the deal… Someone in America needs to be advocating for healthy sex within the boundaries of marriage.  

We live in a culture that:

  • Celebrates kinky servitude sex evidenced by women going in DROVES to see 50 Shades of Grey.  
  • Where pornography revenues exceed that of Google, Amazon, EBay and Yahoo combined.
  • Where marriage between a man and woman is deteriorating WITHIN the church.
  • Where marriage is becoming increasingly non-existent outside the church.
  • Hollywood, TV, and media in general dictates to our children what acceptable sex is.
Look at what God says in His Word:  (1 Corinthians 7:1-5)

 It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.
But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. 
The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 
The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. 
In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. 
Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 

Someone in America needs to be talking about sex INSIDE the boundaries of marriage.  In light of our culture and what my children and yours are subjected to – if I’m one of a few lone wolves advocating for what works in marriage, then giddy up! Sign me up!
Sex is one of the many tools God has gifted to women to help us keep our marriages strong and unified.  
Ask 95% of the male population what the most important thing in the world is to him.  If he’s honest, sex is at the top of his list.
So if this is the case, shouldn’t we as married women make this one of priorities in marriage???  
Bottom line:  When we attend to the ONE THING that’s important to our men, they will begin attending to the MANY THINGS that are important to us.
I, and MANY others I know, are living proof that the Bible works!
To learn more about my marriage story and how I began this “lifestyle,” (still giggle over that word!) 
Intimacy With God Workbook

Intimacy with God:  Establishing a Vibrant Quiet Time and Prayer Time Bible

Foundational 7 week Study: Starting with the basics, this study teaches you how to see, hear, and talk to Jesus in your everyday life and circumstances. KNOWING GOD and knowing about God are two totally different things… 

Author: Tara

  • Sex was created for the pleasure of men but not of women. When a woman marries, her job is to discard her needs and wants and conform to her husband's. His needs outweigh hers. Women must also remember that it is the man who is created in God's image which gives him greater importance in God's eyes than she has; she is the lesser creature.

  • I got to see the pilot in a hotel room when they replayed it after church Sunday night. I felt honored by it and was very happy to see submission portrayed and explained and as an endeavor. I hope it helps thousands of other marriages like it's helping Kristin's… AND MINE.


  • After I posted the show on my Facebook, I had a woman complaining about too much sex and I responded, "Men do enjoy sex, a lot! It's very important to them and even Christian women need to be made aware of how important this is to their husband. I know I sure mentor women in this area!" We hear from way too many Christian men whose wives are not giving them sex very often. I guess they fail to read the verse in 1 Cor. which commands spouses to NOT deprive each other sexually!

  • I thought the show was a success. Hopefully, they can use other footage for additional episodes. I hope they explore more about you and Kristin. Like your ministry and Kristin's mission work, because you are more than housewives. I'm glad you discussed the importance of sex in marriage. Something the "church" has failed doing.

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