A few years ago, I read something I hope to never forget: (forgive me if I chop it up – tried to find the quote, but could not find it).
My mom can remember at time when devotions were given each day in the public school system. Can you imagine? We live in such a politically correct culture, it’s hard to believe that could have taken place.
1775 The first Continental Congress called for a National Day of Prayer. They asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation.
1863 Abraham Lincoln called for such a day. His proclamation called for “humiliation, fasting and prayer.” (Can you imagine a prayer saying such a thing! How cool.)
1952 Harry S. Truman declares a National Day of Prayer and signs into law an annual observance. (You’ll never guess who instigated it… Conrad Hilton of the Hilton hotels! He and Senator Frank Carlson of Kansas brought the actual bill forward. Who would have thought!)
1988 Ronald Reagan signs into law the designation of the first Thursday in May as the annual observance for the NDP.
Our founding fathers sought the wisdom of God when faced with critical decisions. We too should humbly come before God – seeking His guidance for our leaders and His grace upon us as a people. (Especially in light of the tornadoes over the last month.)
Take time to pray today. I know that my church has opened it’s doors for prayer. Many other churches and places have as well. What a privilege we have – who knows how long it’ll last…
For more on the National Day of Prayer, visit: nationaldayofprayer.org
Have a great day!