The Panera Man

Two of the things that I just love about God:

  1. He never shows me everything that’s wrong with me all at once.
  2. He never reveals sin to condemn me – but to set me free and for me to be closer to Him.

As we begin to move through the week – I want you to keep these things in mind.

John 13:10
“A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean.”

The moment we invite Jesus into our lives, acknowledging that we are sinners, in need of His forgiveness – our whole body is clean!  All of our sin:  past, present, future, small, medium, large, extra large is washed away by the blood of Jesus.  We are completely and permanently forgiven!  Go God!!!  Thank you Jesus!

But we still sin…  We still get our feet dirty.  So in order to maintain a clear conscience with God and others – we must confess our sin and be cleansed.  This is what Jesus is referring to when He says, “a person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet…”

In my prayer time each day, I ask, “Lord, show me where I’ve fallen short.  Show me where I’ve grieved your Spirit.”

AND THEN BE QUIET and listen to what the Lord brings into your mind.  

One day I was pulling into the parking lot at Panera Bread.  An older gentleman (at least 10 years older than me) cut me off in the parking lot.  The man was in a brand new convertible corvette. 

And wouldn’t you know that I got stuck behind him in line as well?!

As we stood in line, waiting to place our orders, his phone rang.  He answered and began talking.  (Sorry people, if you talk in public like that – people are listening!)  As he stood there talking on the phone while waiting in line, I stood behind him and “sized him up” mentally:

  • Mid-life crisis –
  • Probably his bimbo on the phone –
  • Probably left his wife for whoever this is –
  • Probably has no money, b/c he spent it on that car.  And if his wife is smart – she’s taking him to the cleaners –
  • Probably lives in an apartment down the street –

I continued to go on and on until it was my turn to order.

The next morning in my quiet time – when I asked the Lord to reveal how I’d grieved Him.  (Such self righteousness!)  The Lord brought the Panera man to mind.

“Lord, what?  Why am I thinking about him?”

All of sudden, I was washed with the reality of my judgemental and critical spirit. My self-righteous attitude.  I knew nothing about that man.  Yet, in my mind – I thought I had him all figured out.

I praise God for the Panera man.  Every time my natural sin nature begins to “size people up”… I think about the Panera man.  God loves that man.  Who was I to judge him?

Do you see what I mean by having our feet washed?

Wash your feet, girlfriend.  Take time each day to ask the Lord how you’ve grieved Him.  He’s so sweet to show us.

Short Accounts (I know I promised it today, but this is what the Lord had me write instead.) 
Also, Iron Sharpens Iron is next week!  Details tomorrow!

Author: Tara