The Thief in your Home

Iron Sharpens Iron is this Friday, March 8th
Click HERE to register
Mothers and Grandmothers… do you desire to impact the children in your life with family values in an increasingly demoralized culture?   See below for details…

2 Corinthians 11:14

“… for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.  It is not surprising then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness.”

In many homes a thief is loose…

Gary Smalley and John Trent write in their book, The Blessing, that this thief has a name. 

It’s name is over activity.  He masquerades as “fulfillment,” “accomplishment,” or “success.”  Smalley and Trent write, “The time for godly training is often crowded out by a busy schedule.” 

I must confess, that I have fallen victim to this thief.    It’s so easy to entrust the spiritual development of our children to the Christian school or to the great children’s program or youth group at church. 

Yet, this is not what God’s Word says we are to do. 

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 – “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

We as parents and grandparents are commanded to be intentional with our children. 

Yet before we can teach our children, notice what the Word says.  (above in bold)  A love for God’s Word and a reverential fear of His commands… must be upon our own hearts first. 

It starts with us!

Are YOU spending time each day cultivating your relationship with Jesus through Bible reading and prayer?  Or has the thief named, “Over activity” stolen your time?

Be intentional girlfriend.  Get to your quiet time area.  Take back what the enemy is trying to steal:  the very heart and soul of our children.

Click HERE to register

Friday, March 8

General Session:  11:30-1:00pm
“Family Values in a
Demoralized Society”

Beth Evans

“How do we help our children be overcomers in a world that is increasingly cynical, negative and hostile toward family values? Are we fighting a losing battle? In our time together, we will talk about how to build families on The Foundation that promises victory.”

“Walking the Road of Parenthood:
Beth’s Practical Tips”
In the midst of:
· Bullying;
· Being left out or not included;
· Wanting to date early; boyfriends, girlfriends,
· Social media/TV/movie boundaries
· Alcohol/drugs
· Kids not wanting to do their quiet time or perhaps attend church…
How did a mom of quadruplets manage to raise 4 children, who now have a love and passion for Jesus, handle these life issues in the foundational years? What practical things did Beth do and is she still doing?

Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon details:
Open to ALL Women
Hosted by Knowing God Ministries
at MacGregor Downs Country Club,
Cary, NC
2nd Friday of every month.
General Session with Lunch:
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
$20 preregistration/$25 at door
1:20 – 2: 05 p.m.
$5, with General session or
$15, Workshop only
Click HERE to register

Author: Tara