My quiet time is the best part of my day, because when I seek to hear Jesus’ voice every morning, His words fall like rain on parched land. He soothes my soul; He satisfies me deep in my inmost being; He always says just the right thing.
This morning I’m traveling somewhere to do something that I’m really nervous about. It’s totally out of my comfort zone and I’ve never done anything like this before. I came into my quiet time with this particular situation in mind. My reading this morning was from Ephesians One. Tucked away in verse 19 reads, “and His incomparably great power for us who believe.”
In other words, “Tara, just trust me – believe that I have this whole situation in my hands. I’ll give you all the power you need – not just any power – but incomparably great power to complete this task.”
What a comfort to my soul! I’m really not nervous anymore. I can now go with God confidence.
What is on your heart today? What is troubling you? What is on your agenda today? Take it to Him! His words will satisfy your soul more than the best cake, pie, cookie, friend, drug or drink around. There’s nothing like hearing His voice.
Have a great day!