Totally Overwhelmed

The Luncheon is this FRIDAY, Januray 16th!  See details below.

Jude 24
To Him Who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy…

Last Monday, instead of easing into the 2015, I felt like a big-fat bully pushed me into the deep end of a pool.

It was surprise after surprise – (don’t you just love surprises!)  Deadline after deadline.  Missing deadline after deadline…  Clients waiting. Staff frustrated.

I’m a home school mom this year.  In addition to surprises and the missed deadlines – I also realized, I had dropped the ball on TWO really BIG assignments for my son’s co-op:  a science fair project and ordering his books for the second semester.  (How did I forget something as basic as ordering books?  I totally forgot over Christmas.  He went to class Monday without books and without the science project.

NOT one of my finer moments.  Feeling like at any time someone was going to rush out and award me with “Worst Mom of the Year,” feelings of failure and doubt began to creep in.  I was on the verge of being overwhelmed.

On Wednesday, I learned that I’d need four, no, let me say it again, FOUR major dental surgeries in the coming year.  The first of which is in February.   By God’s grace, my husband didn’t freak when he heard the cost.

On Thursday morning, when it was 8 degrees outside, I woke up cold – very cold.  Needless to say, when I went to turn up the heat, I realized the upstairs heating unit decided it was overwhelmed and quit!

This made me want to quit.   But I couldn’t.  I was already too far behind.  The Luncheon invitation had not even gone out – it was 2 days late.

So when I went to send the invitation, it WOULD NOT send.   I spent over an hour on the phone trying to get it remedied only to learn it would be back up “in the next week.”  The server was down.

PERFECT!  (Still hasn’t gone out – see below!)

Finally, over the weekend, my frustration peaked when a bad word came out of my mouth aimed directly at both of my teenage children!  (If you’re appalled at this confession, you’re reading the wrong woman’s blog – you’ll have to find Ms. Perfect elsewhere.)

Immediately, I felt like that mom.  You know, the worst version of yourself and the mom you swore you would never be.  I felt horrible.  In the midst of this, the enemy reminded me that “I am the leader of a Women’s MINISTRY!  You’re not able to do ANYTHING well.”  I heard in my ear.

I was totally overwhelmed.  Tears began to quietly fall.   I don’t think my husband knew what to do with me.  I was at a loss for words when he sweetly asked.

Despite these totally overwhelming feelings, I knew the remedy.  And it wasn’t the chocolate I’ve all but given up to lose the added “warmth” I acquired during the holidays.


I share all of this to say, you TOO may feel overwhelmed as we start the New Year.  

If you are, then you’re not going to want to miss this week’s posts.  (Maybe even next.)  We’re going to fix our eyes on the ONE Who is ABLE to make all grace abound to us.  

As I’ve sat with the Lord, re-studying His promises, I’m already different.   My heart has lifted; I’m not sinking in condemnation.   I know God’s grace is sufficient.   I know HE will provide the wisdom, the energy and focus I need ONE DAY at a time.  He’ll do it for you too.

Tomorrow:  God is Able

If you’re feeling overwhelmed today, download this song – listen throughout the day!
Madisa, Overcomer
It’s fun, it’s filled with great truth and you’ll love the beat!

January Luncheon – Friday, January 16th

With one of our servers STILL down, we are unable to send out the January Luncheon invitation or Reminders – so HERE IT IS!

Speaker: Sarah Bush

New Year, New You
January brings a fresh start, the promise of new beginnings.  Through her own personal story of running the marathon of life, Sarah will share how to:
  • renew priorities and goals;
  • find freedom from our past;
  • focus on the finish line.
God rescued her from addictive habits, and gave her hope through all kinds of trials: rejection by publishers, a season of unemployment, to an unexpected move with teenagers.

Sarah will share how to overcome the temptation to give up, and to persevere through life with renewed priorities for 2015.                    

Panel Discussion –
What Does a Quiet Time Look Like in Your Season Life?
There is not greater way to impact your corner of the world than by first spending time with God each day.  (John 15:5)
Yet have you ever sat down to spend time with Him, but were not sure where to start or what to do?    Perhaps your time with God has grown stale and you need a jump start as we enter the new year.  
This workshop will equip you to GROW spiritually as you hear from a panel of women representing different seasons of life.   Leaving the workshop:
  • You will have gleaned fresh ideas for your own time with God. 
  • You will lose the condemnation when you miss a day or two or three:)
  • You’ll be eager to open the Bible and start hearing from God personally about the details of your own life! 

Hope to see you there!

ALSO this week:

Energize your Marriage in a Week… 
Living your Biblical Job Description

January 13, 2015;  
Hope Community Church, Cary, NC
I’m SUPER excited about this event.  I do this talk in many places (except HERE – until now!)  It’s an eye-opening evening as we talk about the REAL of marriage.  I’ve found if a woman is willing to really hear what the Bible says about her job description – God will work wonders in her marriage and family.  It’s exciting!
This is event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  Don’t miss this opportunity taking place in our back yard.  (BTW:  It’s casual – jeans are fine.)  Grab a girlfriend and some coffee.  We’ll have you gone by 8:30 at the latest.

Please note:  You have to have a ticket.  Click HERE for more information.

Author: Tara

  • Thank you, Tara, for your transparency! It is comforting to know that I am not alone in struggling with feeling overwhelmed at times and that your conclusion is the conclusion we all must face, "I need more of Jesus!" If feeling overwhelmed results in running to Jesus, it's not for nothing. I had a week like this in my own little world and I needed to see that I am not alone. Bless you!

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