Trusting God for Provision, Guest: Lindsey Wingo

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Psalm 23:1 (NLV)
“The Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need.” 
I remember my first lesson about God’s provision and blessing in my life. 
I was in elementary school and had gotten  from my grandmother for getting good grades on my report card. I already knew what I would purchase with my well-earned money, and I couldn’t wait to go shopping!   
Soon after receiving my reward, I attended a church service and my heart was pricked as I heard about a special love offering that would be taken up that night.  Even as a child, I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to give my $30 to the love offering.  I was torn because I really wanted to use it for myself. But I talked with my parents and decided to give my money to the love offering instead. 
A few weeks later, my mother shared my story with the women’s Bible study she led.   Soon after, I received an anonymous letter in the mail with $30 inside!  At a young age, God was teaching me the importance of obeying His Spirit’s promptings and watching as He poured out His blessings in return.
Now that I am older, and a mother myself,  I could list countless times when God provided for my specific needs in powerful and practical ways.   
My mom uses the illustration of holding everything we have with open palms. The Lord gives, and the Lord can take away. It all belongs to Him! With this perspective, I am able to truly live life “anxious for nothing” (Philippians 4:6). 
When He prompts me to give, I know it is more blessed to obey. As my husband and I practice tithing and giving to our local church, as well as other ministries God places on our hearts, I fully trust that He will be faithful to provide all of our needs. Ultimately, the greatest provision has already been made in Christ’s death and resurrection. That is truly all we really need, and it cannot be taken away from us if we belong to Him.
I have made the habit of writing in a journal each time the Lord meets specific needs in my life, answers prayers, and pours out His blessings in ways I haven’t even thought to ask! As my children grow, I will encourage them to do the same and will share some of the things written down in my own journals. Just as the Israelites were encouraged to pause and remember all that God had done for them and their ancestors, I want to be faithful to do the same for my own family. As we are faithful to obey, faithful to trust, faithful to remember, and faithful to pass it on to future generations, God receives the glory.
As my four-year-old quoted recently, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need” Psalm 23:1 (NLV). May we walk closely with our true Shepherd, ready to obey, fully trusting Him for our provision.
About Lindsey

Lindsey was the speaker at our March 2015 Luncheon
Lindsey Wingo is the Editor-in-chief and founder of the Missional Motherhood blog. She is the wife of Worship Pastor, Ryan Wingo and stay-at-home mother of two sweet girls, Ivey (4) and Ruthie (2), with a little boy on the way! 

The idea for Missional Motherhood was birthed in her heart after attending KGM’s 1st Annual Women’s Conference from which she left with a renewed desire to intentionally pass on the truth of God’s Word to her children, training them up to send them out.  It is her prayer and vision that Missional Motherhood would unite mothers from around the globe with the common purpose of raising up a mighty generation of Christ-followers in an increasingly dark world. Lindsey has a passion for women’s ministry and is a firm believer in the power of true sisterhood in Christ!   She can also be found writing letters to her girls on her personal blog, “Dear Daughters.”

Author: Tara