Walking by Faith

Hebrews 11:6
It is impossible to please God without faith.  Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.

God calls each of us to go forward without fear – into the unknown, into the unfamiliar.  He wants to use us right where we are, using exactly what we have.

My friend, Tina Bailey is doing just that!

Tina is helping shape the faith of many in the African American community.  She’s also a conference speaker and the author of, What You’re Hiding is Hindering your Blessings.

It’s a very REAL, authentic book!

Tina and I know each other from high school.  She recently contacted me and asked if I would take part in an event she felt God compelling her to organize.

It’s an event for women of all ages, but specifically to younger women.  She wants them to know that their lives matter…  that their are greatly valued by the Lord God Almighty…  She wants them to know they’re WORTH IT! 

Talk about getting out of the boat…   She’s booked a venue; secured 6 speakers & vendors; procured AMAZING door prizes like pedicures, manicures; makeovers; gift baskets, gift cards, etc…

I’m over the moon excited she would have me!!!  But I’m going to be honest.  In the 8 years I’ve been speaking at women’s events, I’ve never done anything like this.  It’s sad to me –  for the most part, we do not worship with people of differing races.   The Bible tells us one day, people from every nation, tribe and language will worship TOGETHER at the throne of God!  (Revelation 14:6)  Until that day, I believe that Saturday will be a small taste of that sweet day…

In light of all that’s happening in Baltimore, Ferguson, North Charleston, and Oklahoma, I LOVE that this amazing woman is walking by faith… Gathering believers and maybe unbelievers – regardless of race, under one roof for worship, encouragement and teaching.

It’s going to be a great day!   Join us!

Saturday, May 2nd
Wingate by Windham Hotel:  at I40 and 54 in Cary/Raleigh line.
9:00 am is when the morning session begins.  You can attend morning or afternoon sessions or both!

Click HERE for ticket information

Author: Tara