What Torments You?

Isaiah 9:1
Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress.

What torments you?  Is it fear?  Bitterness?  Anger?  Worry or anxiety?   Today’s Scripture was my BIG lesson this year. 

Last Christmas, while reading the Christmas Scriptures section, in my Christmas Keepsake Journal, the Holy Spirit turned on a light in my heart and said, “You know, Tara,  you do not have to deal with these fearful thoughts. You are doing so by choice. No more gloom is available, if you want it…”

Up until then, fearful thoughts that had been tormenting me for years.  But since grabbing hold of the above Scripture – and the two below. Something NEW has happened.

I now confront my tormentors with God’s Word!  Keep reading.
Immanuel, God with us, has come! Through His life, death, resurrection and indwelling gift of the Holy Spirit – a new covenant was ushered in for those who believe.  I have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Yet, out of ignorance, I was allowing myself to live in a gloominess that Jesus NEVER intends for me to have.

How does He take it away?  Hang with me.  Read carefully…

Isaiah 9:4
You (Messiah) have shattered the yoke that burdens them (me and you), the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor.

Jesus has shattered the yoke of torment that burdens us.  (Notice the verb is past tense)

We no longer have to carry the weight of the bar of [our tormentor] across our backs – for Jesus has destroyed the rod of our oppressor!  (Our oppressor = the devil and his demons who torment)

Colossians 2:15
And having disarmed the powers and authorities [the devil and his demons], He made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross. 

If Jesus has triumphed over the yokes that burden and torment us, why do we still allow our tormentors a voice in our ear?

3 Suggestions for help:

1.  Spending time in God’s Word each day so that we KNOW truth. 
(I didn’t know that I do not have to fear.  This was new truth to me.) 
2.  Memorize Key Scriptures (like the ones above)
3.  Speak it OUT LOUD when the tormentors starts filling your mind.

They go away. 

Iron Sharpens Iron is Friday, December 14th – Don’t miss Amy Carroll, Proverbs 31 Ministries!
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC 
Click HERE to register


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Author: Tara

  • I needed to hear this and the reminders throughout this post. I have been tormented and have carried the bar of the oppressor for far too long. I needed this today. Thank you

  • Dear Tara,
    I SOOO needed this, as I have awakened in the night "tormented" and unsure why. . . .turning to Isaiah 9 now to dive in deeper. . .and already feel His Spirit infusing peace to my soul through the above scriptures. THANK YOU for your faithfulness to deliver the words you hear God speaking and the timing to know when to deliver them.

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