When He Refuses to go to church – the Big Picture, Part 2


Make plans Now!!!!
I’ll be at First Presbyterian Gastonia
April 28th
2 morning sessions; 9-12
Panera’s catering!!!
James 5:16
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
When our husband does not want to go to church…
Know anything about our God…
What do we do?  How do we respond?
Do we assume control by wearing the mantle that only he is intended to carry as spiritual leader of the family?  (See Ephesians 5:23)
I realize that in many homes, it’s the woman who’s spiritually astute.  Traditionally, it’s the woman who takes care of all the matters in the home from laundry, to grocery shopping, to cooking, to cleaning, to the bills, to doctor appointments, to vet appointments…  It would seem to only make sense for us to pick up the mantle of spiritual leader and be in control of that as well.
Yet, from what the Bible says, I personally believe that we are crossing a boundary that God does not intend for us to cross.  Not to mention, if we do assume control, chances are, he’ll never rise to the occasion. 
So what do you do?  Do you stop teaching your children all together?  Do you stop taking them to church? NO!  Teaching your children the Word and being in control are two totally different things.
For many years, I kicked Tim off of the throne and took over the spiritual leadership in our home.  After all, I was the one in Bible study.  I was the one at the time who was reading her Bible each day.   However, I was in error – because self sufficient me – was not praying.
How often and how fervently are you praying for your husband?  
The Bible says, the fervent prayer of a righteous woman avails much!  (When we belong to Jesus, we are counted righteous in God’s sight.  Righteous not of our own doing, but of His alone.)
I can’t tell you the hours over the last 10 years that I’ve spent on my face for my husband.    OK, let me say that again, my face – carpet to the floor for my husband. 
  • I learned to shut up!  (So hard sometimes.) 
  • I learned to stop leaving really good teaching Cd’s in the car for him to stumble upon. 
  • I stopped trying to preach to him. 
  • I stopped leaving good reading material in the bathroom – hoping he would read it.
  • I stopped insisting that he pray with me.  (We prayed as a family, but I wanted him to pray with me.)
  • I stopped complaining about the non-Bible teaching church where we were members.
  • I stopped saying the blessing around the dinner table and started asking my husband to say it.

AND I STARTED PRAYING!  Praying fervently.  Praying daily.  Praying as the Lord led me. 

And guess what?

Slowly (over many years), God began to change his heart.  And the really cool thing was that it wasn’t ME changing or manipulating his heart – it was the God of the Universe molding my man into the spiritual leader he is today.

  • We are now in a Bible teaching church – A church I allowed him to choose for our family. (You better believe that though I remained silent in the process – I was praying!)
  • He reads the Bible on a regular basis –
  • He’s in a weekly Bible study with a few other men who are hungering for Truth.
  • He teaches our children around the dinner table spiritual truths and God’s way for living.
  • He leads prayer for our family daily.
  • He steps out of his comfort zone and leads prayer when we are out at restaurants – even with unbelievers!
  • He supports Knowing God Ministries with his heart and his prayers.  He believes in what KGM is about.  He helps me and gives wise counsel.  And when I’m traveling, he’ll often call to say that he loves me and that he’s praying for me… it’s almost enough to make me burst into tears!

It’s amazing all God has done and is continuing to do.  But it started in prayer!  Girlfriend – pray and humble yourself.  Give him the space and the opportunity to lead.  Do not give up on your man.  God loves your man far more than you do.  And God wants his heart – not just a warm body in a building on Sunday morning. 

And that’s the big picture.

Author: Tara

  • While it's inappropriate to pressure or nag your spouse this applies as much to the atheist husband as the religious wife. In fact it is vital if the marital relationship is to last—a lesson I learned from experience.

    But I disagree that "god will change my heart" since my atheism is stronger and more profound than ever. If anything it is my wife who questions her faith. She is gradually seeing the Christian belief system for what it is… primitive fables and fraud. But out of respect for her I must keep silent for this is a decision of great personal reflection and thoughtful inquiry that is hers alone to make. Her main stumbling blocks are her family, friends and worst of all… her fear. Yes fear is greatest deterrent to change and crippler of the rational mind. But this is HER journey back to reality. When she is finally decides to freely abandon her religious beliefs I will lovingly welcome her back to reason with open arms.

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