When the Storms Come – What Friend do you Run to?

My last few posts have dealt with the issue of friends.  Friends are important.  They bring joy and laughter to our lives.  Good ones are irreplaceable.

However, if we want to GROW in our relationship with God, the quality of our core friendships matter immensely.

Psalm 101:6

My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he whose walk is blameless will minister to me.

The Bible is clear – we must choose our friends wisely.  Last week, I shared that there are 3 types of friends.

Friend #1:  Sharpens you – she is a mentor of sorts
Friend #2:  Is where you are spiritually – both of you encourage each other.
Friend #3:  Pulls you down spiritually

So, when the storms of life come rushing in – who do you run to?  The Lord prefers that we run to Him and seek His face when trials and tribulations hit.  (Please note:  this does not come natural.  It is a learned practice.  Our world is not a natural habitat for a believer.  In fact, our world is positioned against God.)

The Bible says we need not only our relationship with the Lord, but friends who will minister hope, encouragement and TRUTH into our lives.  Truth that’s based on God’s Word – not the ever changing tide of the world. 

It’s typically our BFF that we run to when we need advice, right?   But let me ask you something…  What’s the quality of her relationship with the Lord?  

Church girl only? 
Does she have a daily quiet time? 
Does her life bear fruit that she lives what she learns in the Bible? 

If so – you got a keeper!!!!  This is friend #1 or 2.  Keep your eyes on her.  Dwell with her…  Latch on to her…  Do whatever it takes to encourage this friendship.

Do you have a friend(s) like this???

Next Post:  More on friends…

Author: Tara

  • I am truly blessed to have women in my life who are bearing fruit or working towards their walk with the Lord. I also believe the Lord provided your ministry as a "friend" connection, one that has provided me TRUTH and encouragement. Thank you for providing a model of friendship.

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