When Your Husband has No Interest in your Jesus

1 Peter 3:1 (Amplified) Notice the action verbs
“When they observe the pure and modest way in which you conduct yourselves, together with your reverence [for your husband; you are to feel for him all that reverence includes:
to respect,
defer to,
revere him – to honor,
and in the human sense to adore him, that is to admire, praise,
be devoted to,
deeply love and
enjoy your husband.”  

What do you do when your husband doesn’t want your Jesus?
When he won’t go to church?
When he doesn’t want to pray with you?
When he’s intentionally walking in contradiction to what the Word says?
When he’s plain unlovable?

Do you preach to him or force him to do what you want him to do?
Do you guilt him when walking in the door from church?
Do you divorce him?

Absolutely not!
Your job is to:
  1. Live the Biblical model for wives – which include submission, helping, companionship and sex without saying a word.  Preach to him by loving him through your actions.  (Not words)
  2. Pray for him and watch God move in your circumstances!
That’s it!
God’s responsibility is heart CHANGE.  Heart change does not fall in our job description.  Nor does anywhere in the Bible does it say wives be submissive to only believing husbands.   When unbelieving men watch their wife’s behavior, this often causes them to have a change of heart and want YOUR Jesus.  Preaching to him or guilting him is not helpful.

Do not “preach” to him by sending him your favorite online devotions.
Do not mother him by forcing him to go to church with you.
Do not make him feel guilty when he doesn’t go to church with you.
Do not force him to pray with you. 

    Your responsibility, is to live the Biblical model and pray. That’s it!
    The Bible tells us our men will see the purity and reverence of your lives. 
    Fewer things are more painful than your man wanting nothing to do with your Jesus.  I understand. Watch my story here.

    In the Prayer Journal, Growing Stronger Roots, there is a prayer prompt section helping you to know how to pray.  Click here.
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    Our 4th Annual Golf Tournament is only 6 days away!

    THANK YOU to those who have already contributed door prizes, hole sponsorships and individual sponsorships.  We are acknowledging you on our website as we are grateful for your help.  Couldn’t do this without you.  So thank you!
    As we look 10 days out, there are a few practical things we need.  

    Will you help?
    • Individual sponsorships: $25 – We need 19 people who could donate $25
    • Drinks –  Water / sodas   
    • Door Prizes – Gift Certificates to restaurants, stores, gas cards, other golf courses, Oil Changes, Car wash, ANYTHING
    • Potato Chips or Planters Peanuts – Individually wrapped packages     
    • Hole Sponsorship: $100  – We need 2.  Great way to advertise your business or organization.
    • 2 More Golf Teams – We realize this may be a stretch for some of you, just thought we’d throw it out there!  It’s a need.
    If you can help, please email:  

    Author: Tara