YOUR Purpose in Life…

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Callings… Life Purpose…  This subject has become my new passion. 

The Great Recession has forever changed the way that I view life.  I spent years running in circles, thinking I was accomplishing big things.  Yet in God’s eyes, my life had little to show for anything that mattered to Him.   (Don’t forget, I was a good Bible study girl for a long time.)

Now, I’m so careful how I treat and talk to my husband.  That matters to God.
I’m careful how I parent.  This really matters to God also!

However, I not only want to know what God’s will is in family relationships, but in every aspect of my life.  Our seasons change in life and with each season, I want to be in the center of His will. 

Do you?

If you have not read, “Running in Circles and the Great Recession,” please take time to do so.  This is so closely connected.  It’ll make you think…
With all that’s been said this week, I want to hear from you today.  I don’t normally ask for such favors, but today I’m asking. 
This is what I want to know:

  • Do you believe you were created for a purpose?
  • What are your thoughts or questions about this subject?    OR
  • Could you care less?  You just want to do what you feel like doing?

I believe my next writing assignment is this subject. I’ve been putting it off for months – yet God has been making it clear to me, that this is One of His purposes for my life right now.  He started impressing this upon my heart in June.

While in Corolla 2 weeks ago, we got Chinese take-out one day for lunch.  Caroline opened a fortune cookie and brought me the message.  It said, and I’m not kidding, “It’s time to start that writing assignment you’ve been putting off.” 

I laughed hysterically!  God has been speaking to me about this subject through His Word, off and on for months.   Now He was using a fortune cookie!   God can be such a tripp sometimes!  He can get our attention any way He chooses!

If you know Jesus, YOU too have a calling on your life.  God has a purpose for you.
Could He be using this blog post to get your attention?  

Please let me hear your thoughts.  (Emily from Mt. Airy – thank you!)

How To Comment: 

  • If you are a subscriber, double click on the title of the post – “YOUR Purpose in Life”
  • Scroll down to the comment section –
  • If you need to open a google account – do so.  (It’s easy, follow the directions.)
  • Leave your comment


  • Simply email me your comment.

Your comments are treasures.  Thank you for your help today!  Can’t wait to hear your thoughts:)

Author: Tara